cyberwarfare News

Russian Invasion of Ukraine, Cyberattacks, and War Exclusions in P/C Policies

The Russian invasion of Ukraine may result in cyberattacks causing widespread and severe losses, in those nations and beyond. Even before the current invasion, some Russian cyberattacks aimed at Ukraine spread to other nations. The most prominent of these was …

How to Prevent Next Sony-Style Cyber Attack: Alexander

Cybervandalism, cyberterrorism, cyberwarfare. No matter what you call the recent attacks against Sony Pictures, we weren’t ready. And we won’t be ready until our nation — with the government and industry working together — takes action to defend itself. Cyber-attacks …

Lawmaker Warns of New Cyber Threats to U.S. Financial Networks

The head of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee said on Thursday that significant new cyber threats to U.S. financial networks appeared to be emerging from an “unusual” source. Committee Chairman Mike Rogers did not specifically identify the purported new …