Cyclone Hudhud News

Impact Forecasting: Costs of Tropical Cyclones Up for Non-U.S. Exposures

Impact Forecasting, the catastrophe model development center of excellence at Aon Benfield, released the latest edition of its monthly Global Catastrophe Recap report, which reviews the natural disaster perils that occurred worldwide during October 2014. During the month, Cyclone Hudhud …

India’s Cyclone Hudhud May Have $400 Million Price Tag

Cyclone Hudhud, which hit India’s east coast last week, probably cost insurers $100 million to $400 million, modeling firm AIR Worldwide said. The storm damaged transportation infrastructure, power supply systems and more than 40,000 homes, the Boston-based modeler said today …

Cyclone Hudhud Makes Landfall on India’s East Coast

Cyclone Hudhud made landfall on India’s eastern coast on Sunday, Oct. 12 with gusts as strong as 195 kilometers per hour, according to the India Meteorological Department. With winds averaging 170 to 180 kilometers per hour, the cyclone may cause …