Dakota Access oil pipeline News

Ohio Increases Fines Against Pipeline Developer to $2.3M

Ohio’s environmental regulators have more than doubled the proposed fines against a company building a natural gas pipeline from West Virginia to Michigan, saying the two sides are at an impasse. The fines now stand at $2.3 million and stem …

Dakota Access Pipeline Company Files $1B Suit Against Greenpeace, Other Groups

The company building the disputed Dakota Access oil pipeline filed a lawsuit against Greenpeace and other groups on Aug. 22, alleging that they disseminated false and misleading information about the project and interfered with its construction. In its lawsuit, which …

Dakota Access Pipeline Worker Killed in Accident, Official Says

A man working on the four-state Dakota Access oil pipeline was killed in an apparent accident in western North Dakota, a state regulator said. North Dakota Public Service Commissioner Brian Kalk said the man, whose name has not been released, …