dam safety News

High Hazard Dams in New Hampshire Growing in Number

The number of dams in in New Hampshire most at risk of failing has increased 51% in the past three years, according to an Associated Press analysis. The state saw its numbers of high hazard dams in either poor or …

Secrecy Over Condition of U.S. Dams Tied to Security Concerns, Missing Data

Americans wondering whether a nearby dam could be dangerous can look up the condition and hazard ratings of tens of thousands of dams nationwide using an online database run by the federal government. But they won’t find the condition of …

Georgia Senate Approves Easing Restrictions for Home Builds Below Dams

Georgia senators voted Monday to let people build homes that could be flooded by dams without raising safety standards for the upstream dam. The state Senate voted 47-6 to pass Senate Bill 319, sending it to the House for more …

Georgia Moves Towards Loosening Safety Regulations for Dams Near New Homes

Georgia could soon loosen safety standards for dams that sit above newly built homes, under a proposal unanimously passed by a state Senate committee. Senate Bill 319 would allow for homes and other inhabitable structures to be built in a …

Florida City Facing $1.8M in Repair Costs from Invasive Iguanas Burrowing Near Dam

Invasive iguanas burrowing into the soft dirt around an aging dam cost a Florida city $1.8 million in emergency repairs. Employees noticed last year that water was seeping round the edges of a decades-old weir that controls water delivery in …

Scores of U.S. Dams in Poor Condition Pose Danger to Thousands

On a cold morning last March, Kenny Angel got a frantic knock on his door. Two workers from a utility company in northern Nebraska had come with a stark warning: Get out of your house. Just a little over a …

German Firm Quits Safety Inspection Business Following Brazilian Dam Collapse

Germany’s TÜV SÜD has pulled out of conducting safety assessments of dams after the collapse of a Brazilian dam it had vetted killed almost 250 people in January, the industrial inspection firm’s chief executive told Reuters. The collapse of the …