damages limit News

Setting Range for Emotional Damage Awards Is Not Its Job, Says Connecticut High Court

It is up to the Connecticut legislature, not courts, to set any minimum or maximum controls on damages for emotional stress claims, the Connecticut Supreme Court held in a ruling in which it refused to second-guess a $15,000 award in …

Mississippi Supreme Court Weighs Constitutionality of Damages Cap

The Mississippi Supreme Court heard arguments Tuesday on the question of whether a state law that limits non-economic damages in civil cases is constitutional. The lawsuit between Sears, Roebuck & Co. and Lisa Learmonth is pending before the 5th U.S. …

Tennessee House Passes Bill Limiting Lawsuit Damages

The Tennessee House this week approved Republican Gov. Bill Haslam’s measure to place limits on payouts from successful lawsuits. The chamber voted 72-24 to pass the bill carried by Republican Rep. Vance Dennis of Savannah that would place a $750,000 …

Ex-Sen. Thompson Lobbies for Trial Bar on Tennessee Damages Bill

A proposed compromise to limit lawsuit damages in Tennessee is a step in the right direction, but there’s still work to be done, claims former U.S. Sen. Fred Thompson. Gov. Bill Haslam’s proposal would place a $750,000 limit on non-economic …