data sharing News

Big Tech Blackout Set to Be Averted With EU-U.S. Data Pact

The European Union and U.S. broke the deadlock on a new data-transfer pact, potentially avoiding a doomsday scenario for tech giants such as Meta Platforms Inc. and thousands of other firms that rely on free flows of information across the …

Insurers Urge Focus on Safety and Data Sharing in Autonomous Vehicles

While automated driving systems hold great promise to save lives and reduce crashes, the focus must remain on validating the safety of the technology every step of the way, according to the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC). Fundamental …

Self-Driving Cars to Transform Motor Insurance in Liability Shift: Fitch

Widespread use of autonomous vehicles will completely transform the motor insurance sector over the long term when liability begins to shift towards manufacturers and traditional risk pools shrink, according to a report published by Fitch Ratings. “The question of who …

Ohio Fighting Scrap Metal Theft with Data Sharing Project

Scrap metal dealers are getting help combatting theft from a new data-sharing arrangement through the Ohio Courts Network. Under a December agreement between the Ohio Supreme Court and the Ohio Department of Public Safety, a “Do Not Buy from Convicted …