deepfakes News

What Risks Do Advanced AI Models Pose in the Wrong Hands?

The Biden administration is poised to open up a new front in its effort to safeguard U.S. AI from China and Russia with preliminary plans to place guardrails around the most advanced AI models, Reuters reported on Wednesday. Government and …

Police: Athletic Director Used AI to Frame Principal With Racist Remarks in Fake Audio

A high school athletic director in Maryland has been accused of using artificial intelligence to impersonate a principal on an audio recording that included racist and antisemitic comments, authorities said. Authorities said the case appears to be among the first …

‘AI Godfather’, Others Urge More Deepfake Regulation in Open Letter

Artificial intelligence experts and industry executives, including one of the technology’s trailblazers Yoshua Bengio, have signed an open letter calling for more regulation around the creation of deepfakes, citing potential risks to society. “Today, deepfakes often involve sexual imagery, fraud, …

Creators of Biden Audio Deepfake Face Potential Charges

An AI-generated cloned audio message of President Joe Biden that attempted to dissuade registered Democrats from voting in the New Hampshire primary election was traced to a Texas company and its owner. Attorney General John Formella said on Tuesday the …

Microsoft Offers to Help Politicians Crack Down on Deepfakes

Microsoft Corp. is offering US politicians and campaign groups a tool aimed at helping fight the rise of deepfakes ahead of the 2024 presidential election. The new tool will allow parties to authenticate their videos and photos with so-called watermark …

Biden Signs Sweeping Executive Order Regulating Artificial Intelligence

President Joe Biden is directing the US government to take a sweeping approach to artificial intelligence regulation, his most significant action yet to rein in an emerging technology that has sparked both concern and acclaim. The lengthy executive order, released …

Deepfake Imposter Scams Are Driving a New Wave of Fraud

Computer-generated children’s voices so realistic they fool their own parents. Masks created with photos from social media that can penetrate a system protected by face ID. They sound like the stuff of science fiction, but these techniques are already available …

States Are Rushing to Regulate Deepfakes as AI Goes Mainstream

Images of former President Donald Trump hugging and kissing Dr. Anthony Fauci, his ex-chief medical adviser. Pornographic depictions of Hollywood actresses and internet influencers. A photo of an explosion at the Pentagon. All were found to be “deepfakes,” highly realistic …

Microsoft Chief Says Deep Fakes are Biggest AI Concern

Microsoft President Brad Smith said Thursday that his biggest concern around artificial intelligence was deep fakes, realistic looking but false content. In a speech in Washington aimed at addressing the issue of how best to regulate AI, which went from …

INSIGHT: How Big Tech Ethics Panels Are Putting Brakes on AI

In September last year, Google’s cloud unit looked into using artificial intelligence to help a financial firm decide whom to lend money to. It turned down the client’s idea after weeks of internal discussions, deeming the project too ethically dicey …