Defamation suit News

Former University of Southern California Star Reggie Bush Plans Defamation Suit Against NCAA

Former Southern California running back Reggie Bush plans to file a defamation lawsuit against the NCAA over a statement made by college sports’ governing body about the reasoning for its decision not to restore the Heisman Trophy winner’s records. Bush …

LA Dodgers Pitcher Accuser Files Countersuit to Defamation Claim

A San Diego woman who alleges Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Trevor Bauer sexually abused her has filed a countersuit to his defamation claim, alleging the baseball star beat her and left her bruised, according to a court filing. Bauer has …

UMass Student Newspaper Editor Cannot Be Held Liable in Defamation Suit

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) has ruled that a University of Massachusetts Boston (UMass) student newspaper editor cannot be held liable for defamation after republishing police blotter entries describing a man’s allegedly suspicious activities near campus. In its ruling, …

Utah Abortion Doctor Files Defamation Suit Against Conservative Media Sites

A well-known abortion rights activist from Utah has filed a lawsuit against three conservative media publications for defamation, says that online stories spread misinformation that she cut the throats of fetuses during abortions. Dr. Leah Torres, a former Salt Lake …

Court Rules for NBC in Defamation Suit by Oregon Sporting Goods Company

A federal appeals court has ruled that NBC News did not defame an Oregon sporting goods company by characterizing its exploding rifle targets as “bombs” in a report on the “Today” show. The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in …

‘Pink Slime’ Media Liability Trial Against ABC Opens in Climate of ‘Fake News’ Claims

A South Dakota meat processor’s $5.7 billion defamation lawsuit against American Broadcasting Companies Inc., which opens Monday, pits big agriculture against big media, and is a first major court challenge against a media company since accusations of “fake news” by …

Rolling Stone Settles, but Fight Over University of Virginia Rape Story Isn’t Over

Rolling Stone magazine settled a University of Virginia administrator’s lawsuit over its discredited story about a rape on campus, but its legal fights over the botched article aren’t over. Attorneys for Rolling Stone and Nicole Eramo announced this week that …