deficits News

IMF Cuts Global Growth Forecast as Emerging Economies Slow

The International Monetary Fund has cut its forecast for global economic growth and warned that the outlook could dim further if policymakers in the euro zone do not act with enough force and speed to quell their region’s debt crisis. …

OECD Says Euro Zone Public Debt Crisis Far from Over

The euro zone’s public debt crisis is not over despite calmer financial markets this year, the OECD said on Tuesday, with a warning that the bloc’s banks remain weak, debt levels are still rising and fiscal targets are far from …

Geithner Argues Healthcare Repeal Bad for Business

Repealing the new healthcare law would be a setback for millions who have gained coverage and be bad for business, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Wednesday as the House of Representatives prepared to vote to do just that. “Repealing …