Delaware workers’ compensation News

Medical Costs for Injured Workers in Delaware Fell During Pandemic: WCRI Study

Changes in the availability of medical services during the pandemic was one of the drivers of Delaware workers’ compensation claims costs in 2020 and 2021. A new study from the Workers Compensation Research Institute (WCRI) found that total costs per …

Delaware Workers’ Compensation Rates to Fall 7% and 11% in December

Insurance Commissioner Trinidad Navarro announced that Delaware’s workers’ compensation rates will decrease for the seventh year in a row, effective December 1, 2023. The voluntary market is expected to decrease 7.24%, while the residual market will see a reduction of …

Delaware High Court OKs Lien Against Uninsured Motorist Benefits in Workers’ Compensation Case

The Delaware Supreme Court has broken with its own precedent to rule that a workers’ compensation insurance carrier may assert a lien against benefits an injured employee recovers from other sources. The particular issue before the court was whether an …

Court Blasts Accident Board for Unsupported Order to End Worker’s Drug Therapy

The Superior Court of Delaware has reversed an order of the Industrial Accident Board (IAB) that an injured former employee stop her doctor-prescribed morphine treatments within six months. The court blasted the IAB for “clearly” abusing its discretion with its …

Delaware Workers’ Compensation Rates to Drop by Double Digits: Navarro

Delaware workers’ compensation insurance rates will decrease for the sixth year in a row, effective December 1, 2022. Both the voluntary market and the residual market will see rate decreases in the double digits. The Delaware Compensation Rating Bureau (DCRB) …

Delaware Law Cut Workers’ Compensation Medical Claim Costs by 33%: WCRI

A Delaware workers’ compensation law passed in 2014 has succeeded in lowering workers’ compensation medical claim costs, new research shows. The report from the Workers Compensation Research Institute (WCRI) found the average medical payment per claim decreased about 33% between …

Delaware OKs 7.2% Increase in Workers’ Comp Voluntary Market Loss Costs

Delaware Insurance Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart today announced the approval of Delaware Compensation Rating Bureau (DCRB)’s workers’ compensation amended rate filing, resulting in an overall average increase of 7.09 percent in residual market rates and 7.20 percent in voluntary market …

Delaware Regulators Recovered $995K for Consumers During 1st Half of 2015

Delaware Insurance Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart and the Delaware Department of Insurance announced that the Department has recovered $995,558 for consumers during the first six months of 2015. The Delaware Department of Insurance said its Consumer Services Division received 2,345 …

Delaware Compensation Rating Bureau Seeks Loss Costs Increase

The Delaware Compensation Rating Bureau (DCRB) announced that it has submitted to the Delaware Department of Insurance a filing of revisions to the state’s Residual Market Plan, voluntary market loss costs and related rating values with a proposed effective date …

Delaware OKs Decreases in WC Voluntary Loss Cost, Residual Market Rate

Delaware Insurance Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart today announced the approval of the Delaware Compensation Rating Bureau’s (DCRB) workers’ compensation amended rate filing, resulting in overall average decreases of 9.7 percent in the residual market rate and 11.5 percent in the …