Delaware News

Delaware doctors form insurer

A group of Kent County, Delaware doctors has decided to form a risk retention group to provide malpractice coverage. According to Insurance Commissioner Matthew Denn, the group is tapping the state’s Medical Malpractice Initiative Pilot Program, which loans $500,000 to …


Boston-based Risk Specialists Cos. Inc., a member company of American International Group Inc., has appointed David A. Jordan as chief operating officer. Jordan will continue as a senior vice president of Lexington Insurance Co. In this newly-created position at Risk …

Delaware doctors form insurer

A group of Kent County, Delaware doctors has decided to form a risk retention group to provide malpractice coverage. According to Insurance Commissioner Matthew Denn, the group is tapping the state’s Medical Malpractice Initiative Pilot Program, which loans $500,000 to …

My New Markets

Trucking Auto Physical Damage Nuts & Bolts: AIX Group Inc., a specialty insurance holding company, has formed a new program to provide automobile physical damage coverage to commercial trucking operations. This program will be targeting operations with above average loss …

Business Moves

Royal & Sun A state hearing officer recommended Delaware’s insurance commissioner approve the proposed management buyout and eventual dissolution of Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance Group’s U.S. operations. The subject of a lengthy hearing last month, the proposed buyout awaits …

News Currents

Maryland mulls how to keep property insurers on coast Alarmed that homeowners on Maryland’s coasts may one day be cut off from home insurance, state lawmakers are mulling new rules prohibiting insurers from pulling out of areas they deem risky. …

New Markets

Banking Engagement Insurance Nuts & Bolts: National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa. (National Union), a member company of American International Group Inc. (AIG), announced the launch of its Investment Banking Engagement Insurance (IBEI) policy, a new type of …

Business Moves

Royal & Sun A state hearing officer recommended Delaware’s insurance commissioner approve the proposed management buyout and eventual dissolution of Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance Group’s U.S. operations. The subject of a lengthy hearing last month, the proposed buyout awaits …

New Markets

Monoline Energy Accounts Nuts & Bolts: MarketScout launched a new exclusive monoline energy workers’ compensation program that accepts most class codes related to the energy industry, including operations “over the hole” and USL&H exposures. Dollars: Statutory and $1 million employers’ …

New Markets

Hospitality Program Nuts & Bolts: Underwriters at PLIS are offering The Hospitality program, written on Lloyd’s paper covering named perils ranging from Aeromonas hydrophila to Yersinia enterocolotica. The policy has the benefit of: a “trade name trigger;” up to 25 …