Department of Industrial Relations Director Christine Baker News

Ninth Circuit Court Upholds California’s Workers’ Comp Liens

The U.S. Ninth Circuit court on Monday upheld California’s fee requirement on workers’ compensation liens. The lien fees were a key part of Senate Bill 863, the workers’ comp reform bill passed in 2012. These liens are filed by medical …

California’s Industrial Director Challenges Workers’ Comp Report

California’s Department of Industrial Relations Director it taking a bit of umbrage with a study released last week that showed the state was ranked as the costliest for workers’ compensation. Despite major workers’ comp reforms signed into law in 2012 …

California Workers’ Comp Officials Continue to Praise Reforms

Touting California’s still-young workers’ compensation reform law as a “pragmatic middle” compromise that seems to be working, two of the top officials responsible for the system talked up some of the reform’s finer points on Thursday. David Lanier, secretary of …

DIR: California’s Alternative Security Program Frees $7.5B for Businesses

Department of Industrial Relations Director Christine Baker has approved the implementation of the 2014/15 Alternative Security Program, which DIR says frees $7.54 billion in working capital and provides self-insured California businesses greater financial flexibility. The ASP, operated by the California …

Baker: California’s Workers’ Comp Reform Showing Signs of Progress

Ten months after “historic reforms” were made to California’s workers’ compensation system there is evidence that the changes are taking hold, however bad actors continue to find ways to game the system, said Department of Industrial Relations Director Christine Baker. …

DIR: California’s Alternative Security Program Frees $7.7 Billion

Christine Baker, director of the Department of Industrial Relations, on Wednesday approved the implementation of the 2013/14 Alternative Security Program, which Baker said frees up $7.7 billion in capital that provides self-insured businesses in the state “greater financial flexibility.” According …