Department of Industrial Relations News

California Court Says Staffing Agencies Can’t Self-Insure Workers’ Comp

A California Court of Appeals has upheld the state’s decision to exclude temporary staffing agencies from self-insuring for workers’ compensation, a ruling that upholds one of the provisions in the state’s sweeping workers’ comp reform law passed in 2012. The …

Report Shows Occupational Fatalities in California Rose in 2013

The number of Californians who died on the job rose slightly in 2013, according to a Department of Industrial Relations report. The uptick apparently corresponds to California’s higher employment rates and its broad-based economic recovery. A review of the past …

California Underground Economy Sweep Results in Fines, Citations

The California Department of Insurance on Wednesday led a statewide multi-agency sweep in which representatives visited more than 50 businesses to educate owners about their obligations to comply with insurance, licensing, workplace safety and labor laws, tax codes and regulations. …

DIR: California’s Alternative Security Program Frees $7.5B for Businesses

Department of Industrial Relations Director Christine Baker has approved the implementation of the 2014/15 Alternative Security Program, which DIR says frees $7.54 billion in working capital and provides self-insured California businesses greater financial flexibility. The ASP, operated by the California …

Sum Named Acting Chief of Cal/OSHA

Juliann Sum has been named acting chief of Cal/OSHA. Sum will head the Division of Occupational Safety and Health following the resignation of Ellen Widess. Cal/OSHA is a division of the Department of Industrial Relations. Sum will continue as special …

Nevada Workers’ Comp Loss Costs: Small Increase in 2013

Thanks to rising medical costs many Nevada employers will see a small increase in the premiums they pay for workers’ compensation insurance this year, according to the Nevada Division of Insurance. The average premium increase in the voluntary market will …

DIR Gets Ball Rolling on California Workers’ Comp Reform

The Department of Industrial Relations on Friday announced its new regulations implementing provisions of California’s workers’ compensation reform law. The law, Senate Bill 863, will take effect in several stages, and DIR was tasked with forming regulations to give the …

Calif. Workers’ Comp Deal Gains Support of Government

A workers’ compensation proposal for California is getting the backing of the Department of Industrial Relations as well as seeming endorsement from the governor’s office, although with only two weeks left in Legislative session some lawmakers are concerned there isn’t …

Alternative Security Puts $6.17B Back Into Calif. Businesses

Department of Industrial Relations Director Christine Baker on Monday approved implementation of the 2012/2013 Alternative Security Program, freeing $6.17 billion in capital and giving self-insured California businesses greater financial flexibility, according to DIR. The ASP is “a first-in-the-nation, innovative program …

California Workers’ Comp Reform Taking Shape – Again

At a recent joint hearing in Sacramento on workers’ compensation in California with the Assembly and Senate, statistic after statistic flew out of the mouths of speaker after speaker during the nearly four-hour session. It was titled, “Informational Hearing, Injured …