Department of Labor overtime rule News

US Judge Skeptical of Biden Overtime Pay Rule

A federal judge in Texas on Monday seemed likely to stop a Biden administration rule that would extend mandatory overtime pay to 4 million U.S. workers from taking effect, but was unsure whether he could block it nationwide or only …

Biden Overtime Pay Rule Challenged by US Business Groups

A coalition of U.S. business groups has filed a lawsuit seeking to block a Biden administration rule that would extend mandatory overtime pay to 4 million workers, saying it goes too far. The groups filed a complaint in U.S. District …

Judge Throws Out Obama Rule Hiking Overtime Pay

A federal judge in Texas on Thursday struck down an Obama administration rule that would have extended mandatory overtime pay to more than 4 million U.S. workers, siding with business groups and 21 states that had challenged it. The decision …

Trump Labor Department Moves to Undo Obama Overtime Rule

The Trump administration on Tuesday pushed forward with its bid to undo an Obama administration rule to extend mandatory overtime pay to 4.2 million workers and said it was considering treating workers differently based on location and industry. The rule, …

AFL-CIO Chief Vows to Sue If Trump Weakens Overtime Rule

The AFL-CIO will sue if the Department of Labor tries to water down a boost in overtime eligibility put in place by the Obama administration, the chief of the labor federation said in an interview. “Anything that dilutes it is …

Trump Labor Secretary Thinks Obama Overtime Rule Needs Review

President Donald Trump’s nominee for labor secretary expressed support for increasing the salary threshold at which overtime currently must be paid to employees, but criticized the doubling in the rate put in place by the Obama administration. During Alexander Acosta’s …

From Fiduciary Rule to Overtime: What to Expect from Trump Labor Nominee Acosta

By the time President Donald Trump’s first nominee for labor secretary withdrew from consideration, there was little doubt where he stood on the big issues facing the department. In contrast, his replacement, Alexander Acosta, heads into his hearing Wednesday with …

Supporters of Overtime Hike Turn to States as Obama Rule Unlikely to Survive

With President Barack Obama’s federal overtime-pay overhaul likely to die either in court or under Republican Donald Trump, some legislators are trying to replicate it at the state level. Democrats in Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maryland, Wisconsin and Michigan said they …

Judge Blocks Obama’s Overtime Pay Raise for White Collar Workers

An Obama administration policy that would have given more white-collar workers overtime starting Dec. 1 was blocked nationwide by a federal judge in Texas. The decision Tuesday is a victory for 21 states and dozens of business groups that sued, …

21 States, Business Groups, Insurance Agents Sue to Block Obama Overtime Pay Rule

Officials from 21 U.S. states on Tuesday filed a lawsuit claiming an Obama administration rule to extend mandatory overtime pay to more than 4 million workers will place a heavy burden on state budgets. Hours after the states announced their …