depositions News

Guest Post: The Insurance Professional’s Guide to Giving Depositions Part 6: Appearing for Your Deposition

Today’s post is the sixth and final in a series of posts by friend of the Academy, Crystal M. Uebelher, J.D., CPCU. Crystal is an insurance professional and a lawyer. Crystal loves teaching non-lawyers about the law and lawyers about …

Guest Post: The Insurance Professional’s Guide to Giving Depositions Part 5: Practicing for Your Deposition

Today’s post is the fifth in a series of posts by friend of the Academy, Crystal M. Uebelher, J.D., CPCU. Crystal is an insurance professional and a lawyer. Crystal loves teaching non-lawyers about the law and lawyers about insurance. Now …

Guest Post: The Insurance Professional’s Guide to Giving Depositions Part 4: Preparing to Testify as a Corporate Representative

Today’s post is the fourth in a series of posts by friend of the Academy, Crystal M. Uebelher, J.D., CPCU. Crystal is an insurance professional and a lawyer. Crystal loves teaching non-lawyers about the law and lawyers about insurance. If …

Guest Post: The Insurance Professional’s Guide to Depositions, Part 2 – Understanding Your Role in the Litigation

Today’s post is the second in a series of posts by friend of the Academy, Crystal M. Uebelher, J.D., CPCU. Crystal is an insurance professional and a lawyer. Crystal loves teaching non-lawyers about the law and lawyers about insurance. It …

Guest Post: The Insurance Professional’s Guide to Depositions, Part 1 – What to Expect in a Deposition

Today’s post is the first in a series of posts by friend of the Academy, Crystal M. Uebelher, J.D., CPCU. Crystal is an insurance professional and a lawyer. Crystal loves teaching non-lawyers about the law and lawyers about insurance. Many …