deregulation News

Florida Supreme Court Rules Gov. Scott Erred in Regulation Freeze

The Florida Supreme Court says Gov. Rick Scott overstepped his authority by suspending state agency rule-making procedures. The justices split 5-2 in the opinion. The majority ruled in favor of a disabled woman who contended Scott’s freeze halted adoption of …

North Carolina Insurance Chief Battles Auto Rate Deregulation Bills

Auto insurers are looking to change the way rates are set in North Carolina but that’s not going to happen if Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin has his way. There are several bills pending in the state Legislature that would revamp …

What the Financial Crisis Commission Concluded About AIG’s Failure

The taxpayer bailout of giant American International Group (AIG) became necessary largely because of AIG’s poor risk management of its financial products and because deregulation of over-the-counter derivatives, including credit default swaps, let the company get away with its risky …

Divided Financial Crisis Panel Spreads the Blame

A deeply divided U.S. investigative panel issued a scathing critique of the culture of deregulation championed by Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, saying the government had ample power to avert the financial crisis of 2007-2009 and chose not to …

President Obama Vows Review of Business Regulations

President Barack Obama said on Tuesday he would order a government-wide review of regulations with the goal of eliminating those that hurt job creation and make the U.S. economy less competitive. In an op-ed piece in The Wall Street Journal, …