disaster assistance News

U.S., Rockefeller $100M Fund Promotes Natural Disaster Mitigation, Insurance for Poor

The U.S. Agency for International Development and the Rockefeller Foundation are starting a $100 million project to prepare vulnerable communities for climate- caused humanitarian disasters before they happen. The initiative, which will start in Africa’s Sahel region and was announced …

Vermont Seeks Flood Damage Assessment After Storm

The state of Vermont is asking officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to help them determine if repairs to damage from flash flooding in the Chester area would be eligible for disaster assistance. If the damage is judged to …

In N.Y., N.J., Disparities Emerge in How Quickly Sandy Victims Get Federal Aid

As a second New Year since Superstorm Sandy approaches, many coastal residents are still waiting for New York, New Jersey and New York City to distribute billions of federal dollars that were intended to go directly to people struggling to …

Vermont FEMA Office Closing 2 Years After Irene

Vermont’s Federal Emergency Management Agency office closed its doors last Friday, Dec. 20, after more than two years of helping the state recover from flooding caused by Tropical Storm Irene, but the agency will continue to process property buyouts and …

Flood Grant Program Proving Popular In North Dakota City

A program that will help homeowners in Minot, N.D. with repair costs following devastating Souris River flooding two years ago is proving popular. More than 700 people have applied for assistance from a program that offers grants of up to …

FEMA’s Latest Data on Federal Assistance for N.J.’s Sandy Recovery

The Federal Emergency Management Agency this week published its latest data on ongoing federal assistance for New Jersey’s recovery from Superstorm Sandy. As of Monday, Sept. 9, the total federal assistance for New Jersey’s Sandy recovery effort added up to …

FEMA Publishes Latest Data on Federal Assistance for N.J.’s Sandy Recovery

The Federal Emergency Management Agency this week published its latest figures on federal assistance for New Jersey’s post-Sandy recovery effort.FEMA said the total federal assistance so far for New Jersey’s Sandy recovery adds up to more than $5.3 billion as …

New York Provides $16M to Some Flooded Upstate Counties

The state will provide $16 million to homeowners, business operators and farmers in five of the 12 upstate counties that were declared disaster areas after recent severe flooding but denied federal aid, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday. Meanwhile, U.S. Sen. …

FEMA Publishes Latest Data on New Jersey’s Sandy Recovery

The Federal Emergency Management Agency this week released its latest figures regarding Superstorm Sandy disaster assistance and recovery in New Jersey — including the National Flood Insurance Program claims payments made so far for New Jersey residents. The numbers are …

U.S. House Skips Vote on Sandy Aid, Angering Members From Storm-Hit States

The U.S. House of Representatives adjourned on Tuesday night without acting on a $60.4 billion Superstorm Sandy disaster aid bill, prompting angry denunciations from members from the states hardest hit by the storm.”I have just been informed that we will …