disaster fund News

Mexico Catastrophe Bond Likely to Pay on Hurricane Patricia’s Losses: S&P

Bonds sold by Mexico to shield it from the cost of repairing hurricane damage are closer to paying out after the biggest storm ever measured in the Americas struck the country last month, Standard & Poor’s said. S&P cut its …

Mexico’s Hurricane Patricia May Hit Catastrophe Bondholders

Mexico’s natural disaster fund may be $100 million better off at bondholders’ expense after Hurricane Patricia appeared to trigger a catastrophe bond the country sold in 2012. Investors in those notes maturing Dec. 4. are waiting for a verdict on …

Canada Lays New Charges Against Railway in Lac-Megantic Derailment

The Canadian government has hit Montreal, Maine & Atlantic Railway Ltd. with fresh charges over a 2013 derailment that killed 47 people. The charges were laid Monday against the company and its president, Robert Grindrod, according to Zach Segal, a …

Canadian Pacific Railway’s CEO Says Biggest Crude-by-Rail Fear Is Terrorism

Hunter Harrison, Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd.’s chief executive officer, said his greatest fear in moving crude by rail is the prospect of a terrorist attack on the company’s trains. “That’s what concerns me more because it can be planned to …

Canada to Overhaul Rail Safety Rules; More Insurance Will Be Required

The Canadian government is overhauling its safety rules for crude oil shipments by train, creating a disaster fund and forcing railways to carry more insurance. Oil companies will pay into the fund, which will be used when a railway’s insurance …

Development Bank Plans Natural Disaster Fund for Latin America

The Inter-American Development Bank has proposed allowing member countries to tap loans in case they need to respond to natural disasters, the multilateral lender’s president said on Saturday. Luis Alberto Moreno said the disaster funding would be financed by credits …