disaster planning News

Florida Wants More Private Firms Involved in Emergency Planning

Florida’s new emergency management chief said he wants the private sector to be more involved in the state’s disaster preparedness efforts so that local economies can recover quickly after hurricanes. “They want their employees to be safe and well and …

Disaster Plan Should Include Social Media, Says Hurricane Center

Nobody is going to push the “like” button for a hurricane, but the National Hurricane Center hopes to get some Facebook fans for its storm advisories. The hurricane center joined the online social network in January to give a behind-the-scenes …

Tokyo Rethinking Its Earthquake Plan After Japan Disaster

More than 10,000 people dead, hundreds of thousands injured, nearly one million buildings destroyed, millions forced to evacuate and a fifth of Japan’s economy wiped out. That’s the scenario forecast if a huge magnitude 7.3 earthquake hits Japan’s capital of …