Disaster (Flood,Coastal,EQ,W-Fire,etc.) News

New York Agency Honored by National Flood Insurance Program

Maran Corporate Risk Associates of Southampton, New York has been named Agency of the Year by the National Flood Insurance Program. The designation is given each year and recognizes agencies that demonstrate a dedication to promoting flood risk awareness and …

Small Earthquake Hits New Hampshire’s Lakes Region

New Hampshire’s state geologist says a small earthquake recorded in the Lakes Region is the most recent in a long line of seismic activity. The U.S. Geological Survey reported that a quake with a Magnitude of 2.1 was detected on …

UMass Engineers Deploy Special Radar to Midwest’s ‘Tornado Alley’

As part of the largest, most ambitious attempt ever launched to figure out how tornadoes form and how to predict them more accurately, engineers from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst this week are readying two special mobile Doppler radar …

World Battles to Curb Deadly Mexico Flu Strain

World governments and businesses announced new steps on Tuesday to try to slow the spread of a new strain of swine flu that has killed up to 149 people in Mexico and threatens to become a pandemic. The World Health …

Top 5 Steps for Employers to Take to Prepare for Flu Pandemic

Businesses and nonprofits are being urged to examine their ability to operate in the event of a flu pandemic. With the federal government declaring Swine Flu a public-health emergency, the Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) says it would …

Myrtle Beach Property Owners Add Wildfire to Hurricane Risk

They flock from other states and climes to the coast known as the Grand Strand, first as tourists, and later as residents, captivated by ocean views, rolling green fairways and the relaxed lifestyle. Most knew that an occasional hurricane was …

Report: Levees Won’t Save New Orleans in Extreme Events

Levees and floodwalls surrounding New Orleans – no matter how large or sturdy – cannot provide absolute protection against overtopping or failure in extreme events, according to a new report by the National Academy of Engineering and the National Research …

Willis Research Network Reports on Hazard Risk Assessment Conference

Last Thursday, April 23, the Willis Research Network (WRN), which is supported by Munich Re, Risk Management Solutions and Swiss Re, held a conference at the General Assembly of European Geosciences Union (EGU) in Vienna. The meeting “marks a major …

Has Globalization Made the World More Catastrophe-Prone?

As the world grapples with the worst economic downturn in decades and the possibility of a flu pandemic, a growing body of research suggests the complexity of the modern global economy may make us more vulnerable than ever to catastrophe. …

South Carolina Gov. Sanford Backs Cut in Wildfire Fighting Budget

South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford is not backing down from his proposal to trim $1 million in state spending from wildfire fighting, even as damages mount in a fire near Myrtle Beach. Sanford spokesman Joel Sawyer said that a fee …