Disaster (Flood,Coastal,EQ,W-Fire,etc.) News

Iowa Mill Company Suing AIG, ACE Over Flood Insurance Claims

A Cedar Rapids corn milling company is suing a unit of insurance giant AIG and another company, accusing them of acting in bad faith for refusing to pay flood insurance claims. Penford Products Co. is one of many eastern Iowa …

Midwest’s New Madrid Earthquake Zone: Is It Dying Out?

A Midwest fault zone that unleashed a series of violent earthquakes in the early 19th century shows no signs of building up the stresses needed for the quakes many seismologists expect to someday rock the region again, two scientists say. …

More Iowa Flood-Damaged Homes Face Demolition with FEMA OK

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has given Cedar Rapids approval to proceed with the demolition of about 300 flood-damaged homes. City utilities director Pat Ball says the agreement with FEMA specifies that homes that are demolished still qualify for buyouts …

Mississippi’s Olive Branch to Contest FEMA Flood Maps

Olive Branch, Mississippi officials have agreed to hire a firm to help the city challenge Federal Emergency Management Agency maps that identify a number of homes as being in flood zones. Being inside a flood zone results in homeowners being …

Swiss Re sigma Study Tallies Catastrophic 2008

Swiss Re has just released its latest sigma study, which details the toll of disasters that made 2008 “one of the worst years for catastrophe losses” according to the report. More than 240,500 people lost their lives, while the insurance …

The Paradox of Flood Insurance Coverage

Whether you are an attorney, an insurance agent, adjuster or broker, or an individual insured, when dealing with claims under flood insurance policies, you may be surprised to discover that many things you think you know are wrong, and, particularly …

Rising Sea Levels in Northeast Putting Cities At Risk to Storm Damage

Global warming should lift sea levels along the U.S. Northeast nearly twice as fast as global rates this century, putting New York City at risk to damage from hurricanes and winter storm surges, scientists said. “The northeast coast of the …

Flood Damage at Universty of Iowa Triples to $743 Million

The damage estimate from last summer’s flooding at the University of Iowa has nearly tripled to $743 million. University officials released the new estimate on Friday. It includes all building and content damage and the costs to relocate building complexes …

North Dakota Prepares for Major Spring Floods Along Red River

Emergency management officials in Fargo and Grand Forks are ordering pumps, topping off levees and planning dikes after forecasters predicted record flooding this spring along the Red River Basin. “The magnitude of the expected flooding has not been seen in …

As Hurricane Season Nears, Florida Still Facing Large Exposure

Florida lawmakers need to make some smart decisions on reducing the risk for Florida property owners from hurricane damage, the state’s chief financial officer said Thursday. In a letter to key legislative leaders, CFO Alex Sink said property owners cannot …