Disaster (Flood,Coastal,EQ,W-Fire,etc.) News

Gulf Oil Disaster Cleanup Workers Risk Health Problems

Workers struggling in the heat to clean up oil from the the ruptured BP well in the Gulf of Mexico risk short-term lung, liver, and kidney damage from fumes, experts said Tuesday. Studies of the health effects after seven supertanker …

Florida Court Says Fishermen Can Sue Polluter; Is BP Next?

With BP’s offshore oil gusher in the Gulf of Mexico as a backdrop, the Florida Supreme Court has ruled that commercial fishermen can sue a company that discharged pollutants into Tampa Bay for lost income and profits even though the …

House Passes Flood Insurance Extension; Senate Must Still Vote

The House of Representatives has passed another temporary extension of the National Flood Insurance Program until Sept. 30, 2010. The program has been suspended from issuing new policies since May 31. Reauthorization provisions have been embedded in controversial legislation on …

Lawmakers Seek Funds for Study of Tennessee Floods

U.S. Rep. Jim Cooper and U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander say they would secure funding for the Army Corps of Engineers to produce a detailed report of the May flooding in Tennessee. Cooper issued a statement saying he had been told …

150 Reported Dead, Millions Homeless in China Floods; RMS Report

Risk Management Solutions latest report on heavy floods in southern China indicate that at least 150 people have died, thousands of homes have been destroyed, and over a million residents have been forced to evacuate, as “severe rains and isolated …

11 East Coast States Hold BP Responsible for Oil Disaster Claims

Eleven East Coast states have told BP they will hold it responsible for any losses caused by its still-growing oil spill in the Gulf, Connecticut’s attorney general said Monday. “Even without oil actually reaching the Connecticut shoreline, this massive oil …

BP Partner Anadarko Places All Blame for Oil Disaster on BP

As BP Plc rushed to raise cash to pay for the Gulf of Mexico disaster, a partner in the out-of-control well said the British company was likely guilty of “willful misconduct” and should shoulder the financial burden for the worst …

BP Looking to Raise $50 Billion to Cover Gulf Oil Disaster Costs

British energy giant BP Plc is planning to raise $50 billion to cover the cost of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, while the head of a $20 billion fund to compensate victims of the accident vowed Sunday that eligible …

West Indiana Levee Creates Flood Insurance Dilemma

Owners of nearly 800 properties in a western Indiana town could be forced to buy flood insurance unless the town can provide federal officials proof that its levee system will provide protection. The Federal Emergency Management Agency plans to end …

Oklahoma Flooding Causes Insurance Problems for Some Homeowners

Recent severe flooding in Oklahoma, on top of extensive damage caused by violent storms in May, have caused headaches for property owners and insurers alike in that state. The June deluge caused additional to homes of some residents still waiting …