Disaster (Flood,Coastal,EQ,W-Fire,etc.) News

BP Oil Spill Costing Mississippi Coast $120 Million: Report

The Gulf of Mexico oil spill will cost Mississippi’s coastal counties nearly $120 million in lost tourism and service industry revenues this summer season, even though the state’s beaches have not been hit by crude, say researchers at the University …

Group: Southwestern Illinois Levee Fixes May Cost $170M

A group scrambling to upgrade Mississippi River levees in southwestern Illinois before new floodplain maps potentially raise insurance costs says it can make the fixes for $160 million to $170 million – and pay for it with sales taxes and …

Florida Hopes to Settle BP Claims Outside of Courts

BP Plc has done a poor job settling oil spill claims quickly and efficiently but pursuing the claims in court might be worse, Florida officials said Tuesday. Governor Charlie Crist and Attorney General Bill McCollum have assembled a panel to …

Documents Reveal BP Cut Safety on Oil Rig to Save Money, Time

President Barack Obama promised that life would return to normal for people living on the stricken Gulf Coast, and BP said new efforts will more than triple the amount of oil it captures from a ruptured undersea well. But the …

Obama Demands BP Set Up Independent Account for Oil Claims

President Barack Obama, seeking to demonstrate strong leadership on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, will demand today that BP set aside billions of dollars to pay damages from the catastrophe. A day after he vowed to fight the spill …

BP Agrees to $20 Billion Claims Fund; Amount Not a Liability Cap

BP Plc Wednesday agreed to a demand by U.S. President Barack Obama to pay $20 billion into a special fund to handle claims from its huge Gulf of Mexico oil spill and said it was suspending payment of dividends this …

UPDATE: NHC Lowers Prediction for Tropical Cyclone in Atlantic

The National Hurricane Center in Miami has lowered the chances that a tropical cyclone could form in the Atlantic from 60 percent to 10 percent [See IJ web site – https://www.insurancejournal.com/news/international/2010/06/14/110696.htm ]. The latest NHC bulletin said that “although shower …

Aon Benfield Report Identifies ‘Mega-Earthquake’ ‘Hotspots

Aon Benfield has published a new report – “When The Earth Moves: Mega-Earthquakes To Come?” – in conjunction with the Aon Benfield UCL Hazard Research Centre. The report was prompted by the recent earthquake in Chile. It identifies the “Caribbean, …

Emergency Declared in Wake of Oklahoma Flooding and Severe Storms

State officials in Oklahoma declared a state of emergency on June 14 for 59 counties following severe storms and flooding that began a day earlier. At the request of Gov. Henry, who is out of the state, Lt. Gov. Jari …

NHC Tracking Potential Tropical Cyclone in Atlantic

The National Hurricane Center in Miami has posted a bulletin that it is tracking “a large low pressure system located about 1025 miles west-southwest of the Cape Verde Islands.” The NHC said the system has “changed little during the past …