Disaster (Flood,Coastal,EQ,W-Fire,etc.) News

Companies Offer Aid for Haitians; Caribbean Risk Pool Pays $8M

Companies pledged millions of dollars in aid Wednesday to help victims of a powerful earthquake in Haiti that devastated much of the impoverished country’s capital and killed thousands. Digicel Group, a top mobile phone operator in Haiti, said it would …

Mississippi-Based Hurricane Hunters Also Patrol Winter Skies

On a bitterly cold morning in Anchorage, Alaska, the Hurricane Hunters lift off to scout a weather track that may bring snow to the Northeast or flooding rains in California in the next five days. The winter mission of the …

Hurricane Forecasters Promise Earlier Warnings

The National Hurricane Center said this week it will begin issuing storm watches and warnings about half a day sooner in the biggest change to its warning system in decades. When a storm is approaching land, forecasters will now send …

UPDATE: 1,000 People Left Homeless on Solomons after Tsunami

A disaster management official says an earthquake and a tsunami have destroyed 200 homes on one island in the Solomons leaving about one-third of the population homeless. Disaster management office director Loti Yates says visual assessments from the air Tuesday …

Sen. Durbin: FEMA Delaying Flood Insurance Maps in Illinois

Property owners in three southwestern Illinois counties who worry they’ll have to get sharply higher flood insurance once new Mississippi River flood maps are drawn are getting a bit of a reprieve. Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois says the Federal …

Swiss Re Obtains $150 Million Cat Bond Cover for Calif. Quakes

Swiss Re has entered into a transaction with Redwood Capital XI Ltd., a Cayman Islands exempted company financed through the offering of insurance-linked securities, to receive up to $150 million in the event of a California earthquake in the covered …

Flooded Australian Regions Declared Disaster Zones

Authorities declared two flooded farming regions in southwestern Australia natural disaster zones Monday as residents in one town nervously watched a rising river in hopes that it wouldn’t break its levees. Parts of Coonamble and Bourke districts in New South …

Quakes Shake Solomon Islands; No injuries or Damage Reported

The Solomon Islands were shaken by a string of earthquakes Monday – including one registering a powerful 7.2 magnitude – but officials in the South Pacific country said there were no immediate reports of injuries or widespread damage. The tremors …

Wet, Cool Year in Arkansas; Fewer Tornadoes Than ’08

First there was the ice that blanketed the northern third of Arkansas. Then the tornado that ripped through Mena. Next came rain – record-breaking amounts of it in 15 Arkansas cities and areas. Long, soaking rains and quick, heavy downpours …

State Leaders in Iowa Look to Cedar Falls for Flood Law Ideas

After devastating floods in 2008, Cedar Falls, Iowa, enacted a new flood plain ordinance. And state officials are paying attention. State Sen. Rob Hogg says what Cedar Falls has done shows great foresight. Hogg is part of a group of …