Disaster (Flood,Coastal,EQ,W-Fire,etc.) News

House Passes National Flood Insurance Extension Act

The U.S. House of Representatives passed the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Extension Act of 2009, H.R. 3139, which extends the program until March 31, 2010. The NFIP is currently set to expire on September 30, 2009. Earlier this year, …

Suit Targets The Hartford’s Handling of Hurricane Wilma Claims in Florida

A Miami lawyer has filed class action suit against The Hartford alleging the company failed to pay replacement cost on Hurricane Wilma claims to insureds who had purchased the coverage. The suit claims The Hartford refused to pay replacement cost …

Washington Implements Flood, Disaster Protections

Washington bills that establish legal protections for consumers in the wake of future disasters went into effect this week. The flood insurance and states of emergency bills (Senate Bill 5417 and House Bill 1566) require insurers to tell consumers that …

Canada’s Insurers Respond Quickly to Wildfire Crisis

Insurers in British Columbia “are acting quickly to assist those whose homes and businesses have been affected by the forest fires currently raging in the province,” notes a bulletin from the Insurance Bureau of Canada. “It is important for everyone …

GAO Reports Detail Problems With Katrina Disaster Response

As the fourth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina nears, four new reports by Congress’ investigative arm have found a wide range of problems with the federal government’s handling of the storm’s aftermath. The Government Accountability Office reports were a reminder that …

Connecticut Not Eligible for Federal Aid for Storm Damage

Connecticut officials say the federal government is rejecting a request for aid for homeowners for storm damage that included a tornado on June 26. State officials say that preliminary damage information shows the state is not expected to be eligible, …

Height of New Jersey Beach Dunes Kicks up Political Sandstorm

Where’s the beach? That’s the question some oceanfront homeowners are asking, bothered that the dunes are blocking their ocean views. A sandstorm is brewing in Atlantic City, where businesses and the City Council support lowering the dunes, although the sand …

Disaster Aid Sought for Oklahoma Farmers and Ranchers

Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry is seeking federal disaster designation for Oklahoma farmers and ranchers hit hard by extreme weather conditions the past 10 months. Henry said he made the request in a letter to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsak. The governor …

FEMA, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Disagree on Flood Damage Costs

Damage from last year’s record flooding in Iowa is estimated to be between $8 billion and $10 billion, and the total amount of federal disaster money allocated to the state is now more than $3 billion. Half of that amount …

Louisiana Issues Final Data Call for Ike and Gustav Losses

The Louisiana Department of Insurance has issued a bulletin to all authorized and surplus lines property casualty insurance companies writing business in Louisiana reminding insurers that final submission of loss data from Hurricanes Gustav and Ike for the Aug. 1, …