disruptions News

Peak Sun Cycle Threatens Satellites, Power Grids from Space Storms

The delicate threads that hold modern life together are dramatically cut by an unexpected threat from outer space, with disastrous effects. It’s the stuff of science fiction usually associated with tales of rogue asteroids on a collision course with earth. …

Global Economy Could Endure Disaster – for ‘Only a Week’

The global economy could withstand widespread disruption from a natural disaster or attack by militants for only a week, as governments and businesses are not sufficiently prepared to deal with unexpected events, a report by a respected think-tank said. Events …

Supply Chain Concerns Grow as Japan Lacks Parts, Power, People

From Apple’s new iPad to Chevrolet pick-ups and many of the world’s airplane kitchens, concern is spreading down the global manufacturing supply chain about the impact from Japan’s earthquake last week. Plant shutdowns across Japan following the earthquake, tsunami and …