distracted driving laws News

Distracted Driving Bill Crashes In Alabama Legislature

The Alabama House of Representatives last week narrowly rejected a proposal to fine people for using a smartphone while driving. The bill by Republican Rep. K.L. Brown of Jacksonville would have prohibited a driver from holding a phone with their …

Data: Florida’s Texting-While-Driving Law Rarely Enforced

A Hillsborough County sheriff’s deputy was heading east on Interstate 4 in his red Dodge Charger on a brilliantly sunny afternoon in Florida when he saw him: A young driver behind the wheel of a Jeep texting on his phone. …

Florida Gov Signs Bill Making Texting While Driving Primary Offense

Florida will become one of the last states to make texting while driving a primary traffic offense under a bill signed by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday. The new law will also ban the use of any handheld wireless …

North Carolina Industry-Backed Cellphone Ban Bill Moves Forward

Legislation originally designed to prohibit hand-held cellphones while driving in North Carolina nearly stalled Friday after a rewrite because lawmakers worried it would punish people who eat or put on makeup behind the wheel. Insurance and automobile safety groups unveiled …

South Carolina Hands-Free Driving Bill Advances in State Legislature

A bill banning drivers in South Carolina from holding cellphones in their hands passed its first hurdle. The proposal would fine drivers $200 for using a cellphone or other electronic device in their hands. Drivers could talk on the phone …

Southeast Officials Focus on Curbing Fraud, Rising Auto Rates, Flood Insurance, Distracted Driving

For the seventh year in a row, the Florida insurance industry, regulators, and consumer advocates will push for reforms to the state’s assignment of benefits issue that has now become an insurance crisis, according to a report from the Insurance …

Distracted Driving Laws Save Motorcyclists’ Lives, Research Finds

Laws to ban or curb drivers’ use of cell phones and other handheld devices have greatly reduced the rate of fatalities for motorcyclists. States with moderate to strong bans have motorcycle fatality rates that differ by as much as 11 …

How States Are Battling Distracted Driving

Like many diligent public servants, Georgia state Representative Ed Setzler enjoys crowing about a nice, tidy highway project. In a Sept. 8 Facebook video, the Republican appeared to be doing just that from behind the wheel of a car. This …

Georgia Close to Passing Distracted Driving Bill

Georgia is one step closer to joining 15 other states that have already made it illegal to hold a cellphone while driving. By a non-unanimous voice vote, the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday approved a bill by Republican Rep. John …

Florida Lawmakers to Reconsider Texting While Driving Ban

Florida Highway Patrol Sgt. Mark Wysocky says it is hard to separate texting drivers from drunken drivers as he cruises down a suburban interstate highway. Both weave. They speed up and slow down for no obvious reason and get too …