distracted walking News

Cities Hope Fines Will Curb Distracted Walkers

This really shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who’s done it: You are just no good at texting and walking. While you might do OK at the reading and typing part, your preoccupied brain isn’t paying enough attention to what’s …

New Jersey Bill Would Make Texting While Walking Illegal

Jared Schumacher is among the hundreds of thousands of New Jerseyans who routinely use electronic devices to text, listen to music or do other tasks as they walk outdoors. But if a “distracted walking” measure recently proposed by a state …

How Dangerous Is Distracted Walking? N.Y. Transport Chief Weighs In

New York City saw a rise in the citywide traffic fatality figure for the last fiscal year that ended June 30. What could be causing this increase? The city’s transportation commissioner suggests pedestrians distracted with their smartphones and iPhones could …