diversity equity inclusion (DEI) News

Wisconsin Assembly Passes Amendment Limiting DEI Efforts

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A constitutional amendment supported by Republicans that attempts to limit diversity, equity and inclusion efforts in Wisconsin won approval Thursday in the state Assembly. The measure is the latest effort targeting DEI efforts nationwide, but it …

Banks, Insurers Ordered to Report Sexism and Bullying Cases in Britain

Britain’s markets watchdog has ordered more than 1,000 banks, insurers and brokerages to report how many sexual harassment, discrimination and other non-financial misconduct cases they have recorded since 2021 and how they have dealt with them. The Financial Conduct Authority …

NFL Diversity Policies Are Racist, Conservative Group Says

A conservative U.S. legal group has accused the National Football League (NFL) and its teams of engaging in discrimination through its influential “Rooney Rule,” which requires teams to interview at least one minority candidate for coaching and executive positions. America …

Tesla Drops Minority-Worker Language After Musk’s Rants Over Diversity Initiatives

Tesla Inc. removed language about minority workers and supporting employee resource groups from one of its regulatory filings after Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk’s recent comments criticizing diversity initiatives. In its latest 10-K filing released early Monday, Tesla omitted a …

As DEI Comes Under Legal Attack, Companies Alter Their Programs

Sophia Danner-Okotie’s has ambitious plans for her Nigerian-inspired clothing line but a sense of dread has punctured her optimism as she watches a legal battle being waged against a small venture capital firm that has provided funding instrumental to her …

Some UK Financial Services Firms Keep Flexible Working to Boost Women in Workforce

As firms across the City of London consider clamping down on working from home, Schroders Plc is sticking to its policy of letting workers decide how much time they spend in the office. “Flexible working provides a strong link to …

Trump Allies Attack Corporate ‘Bigotry’ Against White Men

One complaint accuses Macy’s Inc. of discriminating against White men. Another levels that allegation against BlackRock Inc. A third points a finger at, of all things, NASCAR – a largely White sport where Confederate flags were prevalent until they were …

Fewer Than 10% of CEOs in Britain’s Largest Companies Are Women

Even as Britain’s largest companies are hiring women in executive leadership roles at the fastest pace in five years, there’s a big hurdle to cross: they are still unlikely to be in influential roles overseeing the commercial side of the …

Corporate America Is Rethinking Diversity Hiring as Legal Challenges Rise

The same conservative activists who helped gut race-related college admissions at the US Supreme Court have now set their sights on corporate diversity programs, barraging airlines, tech giants and law firms with lawsuits and complaints. And they’re already having an …

Conservatives Challenging Nasdaq Board Diversity Rule Appeal to Full 5th Circuit

A conservative group that lost a challenge to Nasdaq’s board diversity disclosure rule appealed the decision on Wednesday, requesting a full court review and saying that the rule discriminates based on race and sex. The rule approved by the U.S. …