Dixie Fire News

PG&E Blamed for Dixie Fire in Northern California

Pacific Gas & Electric power lines sparked last summer’s Dixie Fire in Northern California that swept through five counties and burned more than 1,300 homes and other buildings, state fire officials said Tuesday. The blaze was caused by a tree …

Millions Risk Losing Homeowners Insurance in Fire-Ravaged California

A California moratorium guaranteeing insurance in wildfire-threatened areas lapsed Saturday, putting 347,000 homes in Pasadena and other Los Angeles foothills communities at the mercy of the market. As many as 2.4 million homes are at risk of losing protection in …

‘The Risk is Here in Coming Weeks’ for Southern California, Says Fire Weather Expert

Several massive blazes have plagued Northern California this year, and now it could be Southern California’s turn. The Dixie and Caldor fires continue to do damage in Northern California, putting the state at more than 2.2 million acres burned this …

PG&E Judge Wants to Know Why Power Wasn’t Cut on Line Linked to Wildfire

A federal judge wants PG&E Corp. to explain why it didn’t turn off power sooner to a utility line suspected of causing the second-largest wildfire in California history. At a hearing Monday, U.S. District Judge William Alsup, who oversees PG&E’s …

Northern California’s Dixie Fire Has Affected 800-Plus Structures, And High Winds Are on Their Way

When Tom Larsen thinks of the Dixie Fire in Northern California, he thinks about better modeling. Larsen, the senior director for content strategy for catastrophe modeler CoreLogic Inc., pointed to some grim facts about the ongoing Dixie blaze: It’s already …