D&O News

Goldman Execs Win Dismissal of Mortgage, TARP Lawsuit by Shareholders

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Chief Executive Lloyd Blankfein and other bank officials won the dismissal of a shareholder lawsuit accusing them of tolerating poor mortgage practices and quitting a federal bailout program early to boost executive pay. U.S. District Judge …

Willis Warns Directors of Risks in Serving on Boards

“Increased regulatory, shareholder and media scrutiny combined with volatility in the global economy means that serving on the board of a company has never been so risky,” according to a report from Willis Group Holdings – its latest “Boardroom Guide …

Willis Warns Directors D&O Policies May Not Cover Some Cyber Risks

Willis Group Holdings latest Executive Risks Boardroom Guide warns that, as the online universe expands it has “introduced new financial risks that may not be covered under general and professional liability insurance, including standard directors’ and officers’ (D&O) policies. “As …

The Libor Scandal – an Ongoing Major Catastrophe

The scope of the investigations that are unfolding in the wake of the charges against Barclay’s Bank that it rigged the London Interbank Offered Rate (Libor) have taken on the proportions of a major catastrophe. “17 of the 24 largest …

Mitchell to Head Willis’ FINEX Asia-Pacific Unit in Expanding Market

“As companies continue to expand within the Asia Pacific region and beyond its borders, they are becoming increasingly exposed to risks such as Directors and Officer’s (D&O), Cyber and Professional Liability, in addition to threats stemming from mergers and acquisitions,” …

Bill Would Bar Insurance for Clawbacks

Executives at financial firms would no longer be able to buy insurance to protect themselves against compensation clawbacks or civil penalties under legislation introduced on Wednesday by U.S. Representative Barney Frank. The bill, Frank said, is aimed at protecting the …

Willis’ DARCstar D&O Program Marks First Year with New Offerings

To mark the anniversary, May 18, 2012, of its DARCstar Directors & Officers (D&O) insurance coverage, Willis Group Holdings has introduced a new improved version of the form, and has launched two new products in the DARCstar stable: “prospectus liability …

PPIB Introduces Professional Lines Program

Professional Program Insurance Brokerage (PPIB) has launched a nationwide program with coverage for employment practices liability, directors and officers and fiduciary risks. The product, backed by a carrier rated “A” by A.M. Best, is designed for public, private and nonprofit …

Allied World U.S. Creates Mergers & Acquisitions Division

Allied World U.S. has expanded its professional lines operations through the launch of a new mergers and acquisitions division that will be headed up by Jeff Anderson, vice president, in the company’s New York office. The new division will initially …

MF Global Judge to Examine Insurance Payments for Former Executives

The U.S. judge overseeing MF Global’s bankruptcy plans a closer review before deciding whether any of an estimated $190 million of insurance coverage for former company executives should instead go to customers. Opponents of the plan to cover former executives, …