Dodd Frank Act News

Insurers, Banks Leveraging Trade Talks to Change Dodd-Frank

U.S. bankers and insurers are trying to use trade deals, which can trump existing legislation, to weaken parts of the Dodd-Frank Act designed to prevent a repeat of the 2008 financial crisis. While the companies say they are seeking agreements …

Justice Dept.: No Financial Firm Is ‘Too Big to Jail’

A Justice Department official insisted on Wednesday that no financial company is too big to jail, in the department’s latest effort to backpedal from statements made in March by Attorney General Eric Holder. “No institution and no individual is immune …

House Pushes for More Economic Analysis of Securities Rules

A divided U.S. House of Representatives on Friday passed a Republican-sponsored bill that would force federal securities regulators to conduct more economic analysis before adopting rules for Wall Street. The bill, which is not expected to make it to the …

Q&A: Surplus Lines Association of California Director McKay

Andrew G. Simpson, vice president of content for Wells Media Group Inc., recently grilled Surplus Lines Association of California Executive Director Benjamin McKay on an array of matters, including the market, new regulations and SLA’s role in the world. As …

Business Groups Sue SEC Over Dodd-Frank Anti-Bribery Rule

Four business groups on Wednesday filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s new rule requiring oil, mining and gas companies to disclose payments they make to foreign governments. The lawsuit marks the latest in a string of …

Oklahoma Joins Suit Challenging Dodd-Frank Financial Overhaul

The State of Oklahoma has joined a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Dodd-Frank, a financial overhaul designed to “fix” the financial crisis, the state’s attorney general announced. The lawsuit was originally filed by National Bank of Big Spring (Texas) in …

Mutual Insurers Pleased with FDIC Rule Clarifying Dodd-Frank

Mutual insurers are pleased with a new proposal that makes it clear they would continue under state regulation and not be governed by the liquidation provision of the new federal Dodd-Frank Act. The proposed rule issued by the Federal Deposit …

Republicans Target Dodd-Frank Reforms, Rating Firms’ Liability

Congressional Republicans on Wednesday will stage their first outright challenge to 2010’s Dodd-Frank financial regulation reforms with a fistful of bills favoring private equity firms, derivatives end-users and corporate CEOs. After months of trying to defund and defang Dodd-Frank at …

Regulators Warn Against Defunding Dodd-Frank Implementation

Republicans escalated their push to delay and defund the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reforms on Thursday as top regulators warned the U.S. Senate Banking Committee of a staff and funding crunch. The chiefs of major agencies that are writing hundreds of …

Invited by GOP, Businesses Vent About EPA, OSHA, Dodd-Frank Rules

On issues ranging from the air we breathe to the noise factories make, business leaders want the government to stay out of their way. And the Republicans, looking toward the 2012 elections, are listening. The House’s principal investigative panel, the …