Dodd-Frank Republicans News

Insurers Praise House Approval of Systemic Risk Reform Bill

The House of Representatives took a step toward changing the Dodd-Frank financial regulation law by passing a measure that requires that a systemic risk designation be based on more than a financial institution’s size. The House vote was heralded by …

Fitch Sees Large Insurers Gaining from Trump Deregulation

Broad financial industry deregulation under the Trump administration would ease regulatory burdens for large U.S. insurance companies while macroeconomic trends resulting from shifting global and economic policies could have a significant impact on profitability, premium growth and investment performance, according …

Outgoing Treasury Secretary Lew Sticks Up for Financial Stability Council

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew on Wednesday offered a heartfelt defense of the Financial Stability Oversight Council made up of the heads of the major regulatory agencies, which is often criticized by Republicans and could be under threat next year. …

Regulators Look to State Laws as Republicans Move to Change Dodd-Frank

State securities regulators said they may have to rely more heavily on local laws to police banks and finance companies if President-elect Donald Trump and a Republican-controlled Congress roll back federal reforms introduced after the financial crisis. For example, New …