Dodd Frank rollback News

Insurers Welcome Global Regulation Provision in Banking Reform Bill

The financial services regulatory reform measure passed by Congress yesterday, which contains parts of more than 25 different bills, includes a provision on international insurance regulation that is being met with cheers by the insurance industry. This bill, which rolls …

What Banks Got, Did Not Get in Dodd Frank Rewrite Passed by Congress

Congress on Tuesday rolled back some of the restraints imposed on banks after the 2007-2009 global financial crisis, but big players like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan Chase, will not be breaking out the champagne. While Wall Street banks …

House Set to Vote on Dodd-Frank Rollback Today

U.S. lawmakers are set to give President Donald Trump a chance to make good on his vow to “do a big number” on the Dodd-Frank Act. Legislation set for passage by the Republican-dominated House this week is the product of …

Senate Committee Passes Dodd-Frank Relief Bill Without Democrats

A bill to ease regulations across the U.S. financial sector passed a Senate committee on Thursday with no support from Democrats, in a setback to the largest overhaul of 2010 banking reforms since the rules were put in place. The …