Dodd-Frank rules News

House Passes Measure to Ease Insurance Capital Standards Under Dodd-Frank

The Federal Reserve would get more flexibility to set separate capital standards for systemically important insurance companies under legislation passed by the U.S. House of Representatives. The measure, adopted yesterday as part of a package of changes to the Dodd-Frank …

MetLife Unwavering in Battle Over Systemic Risk Rules

Steven Kandarian got MetLife Inc. out of banking to escape Federal Reserve oversight. Now, the insurer is fighting again to avoid the central bank’s reach. Kandarian, MetLife’s chief executive officer, has called regulatory uncertainty the primary challenge to meeting profit …

Rules for Dodd-Frank Top Republican House Agenda

Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives are gearing up to overhaul the housing finance system this year and will soon map out ways to monitor Wall Street reform rules, according to a draft agenda circulating on Capitol Hill. Republicans …