Dodd-FRank News

Shareolders Using ‘Say-on-Pay’ Votes in Lawsuits Against Boards

Shareholders upset with ever-higher executive compensation packages are using new “say-on-pay” votes to challenge the payouts in court, a tactic raising eyebrows among legal experts. The lawsuits are zeroing in on companies that lose these advisory votes by shareholders on …

Oversight Council to Take More Time Identifying Systemic Risk Firms

The U.S. risk council will give the public more time to comment on the criteria for picking so-called “systemic” financial firms, after lawmakers scolded the new council for being opaque on the process. U.S. bank regulator John Walsh said the …

Systemic Firms Will Not Be ‘Too Big to Fail,’ Says FDIC’s Bair

Financial firms that the U.S. government deems as “systemic” will not be “too big to fail,” bank regulator Sheila Bair said Thursday. Bair, pushing back against critics who say the systemic designation is simply a government guarantee, said a major …

U.S. Regulators Define Swaps, What Falls Under Dodd-Frank

U.S. futures and securities regulators unveiled a crucial part of their expanded supervision of the swaps market on Wednesday, by defining what products will be covered by last year’s financial oversight legislation. The proposals provided the market some long-awaited clarity. …

Treasury Defends Dodd-Frank Reforms; Promises Insurance Expert Soon

The Obama administration fired a fresh salvo at Wall Street Tuesday, telling critics of the U.S. financial reform law to knock off their attacks. “We will continue to oppose efforts to slow down, weaken, or repeal these essential reforms,” Deputy …

Report: Illinois Insurance Regulator McRaith in Line to Head U.S. Insurance Office

The Obama administration was expected soon to name an Illinois state insurance regulator to head the new Federal Insurance Office, said sources familiar with the matter Thursday. Michael McRaith, seen as the front-runner for the job, is now head of …

Regulators Face Senate Panel Over Dodd-Frank Regulations Today

Republicans will escalate their push to delay and defund the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reforms on Thursday as top regulators appear before the U.S. Senate Banking Committee with a new chairman presiding. Replacing Christopher Dodd, Democrat Tim Johnson will lead his …

New Systemic Risk Council Faces Key Test

The new council of U.S. regulators will face a major test on Tuesday when it unveils recommendations on how to enforce one of the most recognizable, if inscrutable, aspects of the six-month-old Wall Street reform law: the Volcker rule. The …