Doha News

Extreme Weather is New Normal, U.N.’s Ban Tells Climate Change Talks

Extreme weather is the new normal and poses a threat to the human race, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said on Tuesday as he sought to revive deadlocked global climate change talks. Ban’s intervention came as efforts to agree a symbolic …

EU’s Debt Crisis Saps its Ability to Lead Climate Change Debate

The EU’s debt crisis has sapped its ability to lead the way in global climate talks, which began in Doha on Monday, and to build on a fragile victory it clinched a year ago. The European Union is one of …

Global Investors Call for Action on Serious Climate Danger

A coalition of the world’s largest investors called on governments on Tuesday to ramp up action on climate change and boost clean-energy investment or risk trillions of dollars in investments and disruption to economies. In an open letter, the alliance …

Senior Reinsurance Execs to Join Q-Re in Establishing ‘Global Franchise’

Q-Re, a subsidiary of Qatar Insurance Company (QIC), headquartered in Doha, Qatar, announced additions to a team of senior reinsurance underwriters and professionals who “will drive the establishment of the company’s future franchise as a global reinsurer writing all major …

U.S. Eyes WTO Services Pacts Amid Doha Stall

The United States is making a push for a group of countries within the World Trade Organization to start talks to liberalize trade in services, even if big developing countries like China, India and Brazil don’t want to join, U.S. …

U.S. Considers Removing All Tariffs for Poor Nations

The U.S. government said on Friday it is investigating the probable economic effects of eliminating all tariffs and quotas on goods from the world’s least-developed countries (LDCs). The U.S. International Trade Commission said it would report its findings to the …

More to Explore for Doha World Trade Deal, EU Says

The European Union presented world trade negotiators with a last-minute plan to rescue stalled free trade talks on Friday, saying there were still avenues of negotiation to explore after 10 years of trying. In a presentation to a key meeting …