Don Blankenship criminal trial News

Coal Industry Worried About Expanded Liability Following Blankenship Conviction

Coal industry groups from three states are arguing that the conviction of former coal executive Don Blankenship could unfairly expose other industry leaders to criminal conspiracy charges. The Illinois, Ohio and West Virginia Coal Associations shared their concerns in a …

West Virginia Coal Boss Should Face Maximum Sentence, U.S. Says

Former coal baron Donald Blankenship should face the maximum sentence of one year in prison for flouting mine-safety rules, prosecutors said, urging a judge to send a message to the coal industry. The government asked U.S. District Judge Irene Berger …

Blankenship Sentencing Set For Next Year in West Virginia Mine Case

Former Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship will be sentenced next year on a conviction of conspiring to violate safety rules at the mine where a deadly explosion occurred. U.S. District Judge Irene Berger on Dec. 10 scheduled Blankenship’s sentencing for …

Blankenship Found Guilty of Conspiracy in W. Virginia Mine Blast

Former Massey Energy Chief Executive Don Blankenship was found guilty in federal court on Thursday of conspiring to violate safety standards at the Upper Big Branch mine, the site of a 2010 blast that killed 29 people. Relatives of those …

Blankenship Jury Still Deadlocked in West Virginia Mine Blast Case

Jurors at former Massey Energy Co. Chief Donald Blankenship’s criminal trial ended their eighth day of deliberations after telling the judge they remain deadlocked on charges the coal executive plotted to ignore safety rules before a 2010 mine explosion that …

Blankenship Case in Limbo in West Virginia as Jurors Struggle to Reach Verdict

After a third full day of deliberations, a jury recessed Friday without reaching a verdict in the criminal trial of ex-Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship. Jurors had been trying since Tuesday, Nov. 17, to reach a decision. Blankenship is charged …

Defense Rests in West Virginia Mine Blast Trial, Blankenship Stays Mum

Former Massey Energy Chief Donald Blankenship won’t take the witness stand to explain what happened when a company mine exploded in 2010 killing 29 workers, choosing instead to leave his fate in the hands of jurors at his criminal trial …

Final Witness Called by Prosecution in Blankenship Trial

The prosecution has called its final witness in the trial of former Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship. FBI Special Agent James Lafferty was questioned by prosecutors and defense attorneys Tuesday in Charleston, W. Va., federal court. Lafferty is the federal …

Deadly West Virginia Mine Explosion Trial Puts Spotlight on Massey’s King Coal

Before death came to Upper Big Branch Mine, Donald L. Blankenship managed his patch of Appalachia like King Coal incarnate. Outside homes in rural West Virginia flew the banner of his company, Massey Energy Co.: a flame leaping out of …

Trial Set to Start for Former Energy CEO in Deadly West Virginia Mine Blast

Former Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship hits the courtroom for a criminal trial Thursday, facing charges that he conspired to break safety laws and lied to financial regulators about safety practices at the site of the deadliest U.S. mine explosion …