Dr. Robert Hartwig News

Resolution Time

Happy New Year. It’s time to rewind, re-evaluate how you did in 2009, and make resolutions for 2010. I’m not big on making resolutions I know I won’t keep — like sticking to an exercise regime (when I don’t even …

Uneven Expectations

Economy to Recover in Some States Before Others The most recent reports of property/casualty insurers indicate a return to profits, thanks in large measure to a quiet hurricane season. But behind the rosy reports is a thorny problem — that …

Resolution Time

Happy New Year. It’s time to rewind, re-evaluate how you did in 2009, and make resolutions for 2010. I’m not big on making resolutions I know I won’t keep — like sticking to an overly ambitious exercise regime. But the …

CNA Chief Motamed: What’s Ahead for CNA, Economy, Industry

After 30 years at Chubb Corp, Thomas Motamed joined Chicago-based commercial lines insurer CNA Financial in January 2009 as chairman and CEO. In this edited interview with Insurance Journal’s Andrew Simpson, Motamed talks about his goals and changes at CNA, …

Michigan Auto Insurance Bills Stall As Senate Adjourns Without Acting

The Michigan Senate adjourned before Christmas without taking action on a property/casualty insurance bill package already passed by the House of Representatives. The package would, among other things, give the insurance commissioner more authority over rates and strip insurers of …

Rates, Claim Frequency Still Declining in Workers’ Comp; Medical Costs Rise

States Are Not Equal in Handling Worker Injuries Prices for workers’ compensation insurance in the United States declined in 2008 and, in general, that trend is likely to continue in throughout 2009, according to the National Council on Compensation Insurance …

Clichéd, But True

Stick to your knitting. Sell on value, not on price. Return to the basics. Achieve growth through disciplined underwriting. The above are just a few of the mantras, some might say clichés, being repeated throughout the property/casualty insurance industry these …


Slow and Uneven “We will not wake up one morning and say thank goodness this crisis is over. It will be slow. It will be uneven. It will be two steps forward and one step back. That’s how recoveries are.” …

P&C Insurance Industry Will Be Smaller at End of Financial Crisis

I.I.I. President Says Recovery Will Be Slow, Uneven While property and casualty insurance companies remain somewhat insulated from what happens in the general economy, the industry is projected to be smaller, in dollar terms, once the current financial crisis is …

Hope, Straight Talk and Despair Amid the Ruins

Obama to the Rescue; Hartwig on the Banks; Davos Devotees Duck Blame for instigating the current economic mess starts with the banks. Munich Re’s recent webinar gave Dr. Robert P. Hartwig, president of the Insurance Information Institute, a chance to …