Dr. Robert Hartwig News

Fast-Growing, State-Run Property Insurers Pose Risk for Taxpayers

Exponential growth of state-run property insurers of last resort ultimately may shift much of the long-term risk of hurricane-related losses to policyholders and taxpayers, even those who live nowhere near the coast, reports the private insurance industry’s Insurance Information Institute. …

Editor’s Note: Developing federal issue

The idea of a federal catastrophe program has been getting mixed reaction in Washington. The Bush Administration and key Republicans including Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., have outright opposed the idea, which has among its supporters the Republican governor of Florida, …

Coastal population growth contributing to high cost of property coverage

The U.S. population in hurricane-prone coastal states continues to rise, a trend that is likely to impact adversely the nation’s coastal property insurance market for years to come, according to Dr. Robert Hartwig, president and chief economist for the Insurance …

Coastline populations increasing insurance prices

The U.S. population residing in hurricane-prone states continues to rise, a trend which is likely to impact adversely the nation’s coastal property insurance market for years to come, according to testimony by Dr. Robert Hartwig, president and chief economist for …

Coastline populations increasing insurance prices

The U.S. population residing in hurricane-prone states continues to rise, a trend which is likely to impact adversely the nation’s coastal property insurance market for years to come, according to testimony by Dr. Robert Hartwig, president and chief economist for …

Developing federal issue

The idea of a federal catastrophe program has been getting mixed reaction in Washington. The Bush Administration and key Republicans including Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., have outright opposed the idea, which has among its supporters the Republican governor of Florida, …

Coastal population growth contributing to high cost of property coverage

The U.S. population in hurricane-prone coastal states continues to rise, a trend that is likely to impact adversely the nation’s coastal property insurance market for years to come, according to Dr. Robert Hartwig, president and chief economist for the Insurance …

Developing federal issue

The idea of a federal catastrophe program has been getting mixed reaction in Washington. The Bush Administration and key Republicans including Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., have outright opposed the idea, which has among its supporters the Republican governor of Florida, …

Industry to Congress: Private Market Is the Best Solution on Natural Disasters, But Some Say Federal Help Needed

The private insurance marketplace, not the federal government, is the best vehicle to address coastal insurance issues and natural disasters in the U.S., according to insurers. Even so, the federal government can play a role in efforts to reduce affordability …

Are state-backed insurance schemes the wave of the future?

The government’s role in insurance markets is a matter of increasing importance and controversy. Historically, state insurance departments have regulated insurers and insurance markets, overseeing solvency, rate and form regulation, and consumer protection. More recently, however, the state itself is …