dram shop laws News

Florida High Court Ruling Could Cut Damages for Bars Serving Booze to Minors

Insurers in Florida can can contemplate potentially lower loss costs on liquor liability policies after a recent state Supreme Court ruling that clarified when bars and restaurants can be held partially versus completely liable for some alcohol-related injuries. The court, …

South Carolina Liquor Liability Market ‘Extremely Unprofitable,’ DOI Report Finds

A report from the South Carolina Department of Insurance confirms what insurers and bars and restaurants have said for the past few years: Liquor liability coverage in the state is “extremely unprofitable” for carriers – and costs are far out …

South Carolina Bars, Eateries Closing Down for Lack of Affordable Liability Coverage

Wanted in South Carolina: $1 million in liquor liability coverage at an affordable premium to prevent closure of establishment. That’s the type of advertisement one can imagine bars and bistros across the Palmetto State running this fall, as the full …