driver assistance technology News

UK Weighs Criminal Liability for Self-Driving Car Companies

Self-driving car companies could face criminal action in the UK if their vehicles fail to meet safety standards in the most serious cases. New legislation, introduced in today’s speech by King Charles III, who arrived at parliament in a horse-drawn …

Consumer Reports, Insurance Safety Institute to Rate Vehicle Driver Automation Systems

Two nonprofit bodies, Consumer Reports and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), said separately on Thursday they are reviewing safeguards put in place by automakers for vehicles with partial automation. The announcements come amid scrutiny of Tesla’s driver assistance …

Safety Worry: Keeping Humans In and Around Autonomous Vehicles Engaged

After partially faulting Tesla Inc.’s automation system for a 2016 fatal crash, U.S. safety investigators last year called on carmakers to do more to ensure drivers stay engaged as next-generation cars start to steer themselves. Since then, the National Transportation …

Tesla ‘Operational Limitations’ Cited for ‘Major Role’ in Crash by Safety Board

The chairman of the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) said on Tuesday “operational limitations” in the Tesla Model S played a “major role” in a May 2016 crash that killed a driver using the vehicle’s semi-autonomous “Autopilot” system. The …

Tesla Introduces ‘Substantial Improvements’ to Autopilot

Elon Musk said Tesla Motors Inc. is updating its Autopilot technology to emphasize radar images over cameras, in his latest attempt to convince critics that the electric-car maker’s semi-autonomous driving features are safe for the public. The biggest change in …

U.S. Missing Life-Saving Opportunity of Driver Assistance Technologies

New auto safety technologies such as automatic braking and sensors that keep a car in its lane could prevent almost 10,000 U.S. road deaths a year and save $251 billion if they were more widely available, according to a Boston …

Technology May Outpace Humans on Road to Automated Driving

From his laboratory at Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Mellon University, automated vehicle pioneer Raj Rajkumar says self-driving cars will evolve step-by-step, with humans staying in charge for a long time to come. More than 2,500 miles west in Mountain View, California, Chris …