driverless cars News

Federal Safety Officials Look to Accelerate Self-Driving Cars, Vehicle Technologies

Self-driving cars being developed by Google Inc. and some automakers are getting a lift from U.S. auto-safety regulators eager to accelerate automation that they predict could prevent many crashes. Transportation Department regulators today released a policy intended to advance testing …

Top 10 Car Technologies For Mature Drivers

Smart headlights, emergency response systems and reverse monitoring features rank highest in car technologies that benefit mature drivers, according to researchers at The Hartford and the AgeLab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). “Since drivers over the age of …

Future Impact of Self-Driving Cars Would Be Big: Study

Consulting firm KPMG and the Center for Automotive Research in Michigan released a report this month about how close the industry is to rolling out self-driving cars. They see the first such vehicles hitting showrooms in 2019, with a more …

Driving Toward a Future Without Humans Behind the Wheel

It’s been more than half a century since some of the first concept cars boasting self-driving features were presented to the world and they’re still not on the roads. But many auto executives say the industry is on the cusp …