driverless cars News

Arizona Became Autonomous Hotbed Prior to Uber’s Deadly Crash

The technology behind autonomous vehicles has originated from coders in Silicon Valley, engineers in Detroit and academic researchers in Pittsburgh. Much of it eventually lands on the streets of Arizona, a state that’s done more than any other to welcome …

London Unprepared to Be Early Adopter of Autonomous Vehicles: Report

London is ill-prepared to become an early adopter of cutting-edge transport technology including driverless cars and retail deliveries by drone, according to the city’s lawmakers. While the U.K. government has predicted that connected and autonomous vehicles, or CAVs, will be …

Trump Administration Plans Autonomous Vehicles Regulatory Summit

Auto manufacturers, technology companies, road safety advocates and policy makers will attend a March 1 conference over potential government actions that could speed the rollout of autonomous cars, the U.S. Transportation Department said on Friday. Last month, Transportation Secretary Elaine …

Insurance Not Only Industry Facing Disruption from Driverless Vehicles

The link between property and transport has been perhaps the most durable in human history. Since the ancients, few things have delivered higher land values with more certainty than advances in transport, from roads to canals, railways to highways. It’s …

Technology Partnerships Key to Insurance Industry’s Exit from `Stone Age:’ Aviva CEO

The insurance industry is “generally in the stone age,” and partnerships with technology companies are the way forward, according to Aviva Plc’s chief executive officer. His company, the U.K.’s second-largest insurer, is working with Tesla on how to insure driverless …

Americans’ Fear of Driverless Cars Subsiding: AAA Survey

American drivers are slowly warming up to the idea of relinquishing the wheel to a robot. Although 63 percent of U.S. drivers say they’d be afraid to ride in a fully self-driving car, that’s down substantially from the 78 percent …

Drivers Aren’t Going Away Anytime Soon, Say Driverless Car Leaders

Carmakers and tech companies have fallen over one another in recent weeks to show the strides they’ve made with self-driving cars. At CES — usually a stage for bragging about futuristic bona fides — top executives are instead tamping down …

Self-Driving Technology Being Developed to Enable Driving on Snowy Roads

Self-driving cars may be the future, but relinquishing control of the wheel certainly takes some getting used to. It’s one thing to go (slowly) with the flow on well-marked city streets, for which many self-driving cars were initially developed and …

Cost of Driverless Vehicles to Drop Dramatically: Delphi CEO

Delphi Automotive Plc, which is changing its name to Aptiv Inc., wants to cut the cost of self-driving cars by more than 90 percent to around $5,000 by 2025, according to Chief Executive Officer Kevin Clark. Aptiv, which starts trading …

Autonomy Getting Closer: Consumers Learning to Trust New Auto Safety Features

Car shoppers are more ready for autonomous vehicles than they may realize, according to a report from car shopping platform More than 60 percent of new vehicle models today can be purchased with some level or autonomous features, the …