driverless cars News

Driverless, Shared Cars to Cut Vehicle Ownership by Half: Barclays

U.S. auto sales may drop about 40 percent in the next 25 years because of shared driverless cars, forcing mass-market producers such as General Motors Co. and Ford Motor Co. to slash output, a Barclays Plc analyst said. Vehicle ownership …

RIMS Report: Preparing for Risk Transfer Driven by Autonomous Vehicles

Picture a work day that begins like this: You step out of your house and into your self-driving vehicle, which carries you comfortably and safely to your office while you read the newspaper. After dropping you off, the car returns …

How Driverless Cars Might Affect Ownership, Miles Driven

Driverless vehicles may reduce the number of vehicles a family needs, but may lead to an increase in total miles driven. Researchers at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) examined U.S. National Household Travel Survey data that contained …

Snow Problem When It Comes to Self-Driving Cars, Says Google

Google Inc. sees Detroit’s snow as a bigger barrier than Washington’s regulators for its self-driving car. The technology giant doesn’t intend to offer a self-driving car to areas where it snows in the near term, Chris Urmson, director of Google’s …

Driverless Cars Are Closer, Bigger Than They Appear

Vehicles that drive themselves on the freeway or take over in traffic jams may be on the road in large numbers by 2017 and autonomous cars might create a $42 billion market for the technology by 2025, Boston Consulting Group …

California DMV to Miss Deadline for Autonomous Vehicle Rules

California’s Department of Motor Vehicles will miss a year-end deadline to adopt new rules for cars of the future because regulators first have to figure out how they’ll know whether “driverless” vehicles are safe. It’s a rare case of the …

Symposium Panelists Say New Car Technology May Not Lower Insurance Rates

More cars and trucks are being equipped with cameras, radar, automatic braking and other safety technology that help avoid accidents, but drivers may not see their insurance bills go down anytime soon, experts in the auto and insurance industries said …

Demand for Liability Insurance to Rise Again: Swiss Re

Claims severity and demand for liability insurance will increase as economic growth accelerates and because of technological, social and regulatory changes, according to a new report from Swiss Re. Cyber risk, hydrofracking and autonomous cars will likely be among the …

Hacking Risk and Liability Issues Don’t Deter Makers of Driverless Cars

A red VW Golf jerks back and forth as it maneuvers into a parking space in the English spa town of Cheltenham. The halting efforts resemble those of a new driver, and in a sense they are — just not …

Automakers Race to Be First With Driverless Cars

Nissan Motor Co. will introduce cars that park themselves by 2016, Chief Executive Officer Carlos Ghosn said, as the Japanese carmaker rushes to be among the first to offer automated driving. The feature, along with technology enabling cars to autonomously …