driverless cars News

Self-Driving Car Testing Rules Adopted by California

California has new rules that govern the testing of self-driving cars on public roads. The rules, approved Monday by state attorneys, require a human to be in the driver’s seat when a computer takes control during testing. They’re a response …

Actuaries Grapple with Insurance Questions on Self-Driving Cars

The car of the future is pictured in an imagined scene in a 1950s science magazine. The illustration depicts a family sitting in a big convertible, a tail-finned monster. Mom, Dad, and their kids are in a circle, playing a …

Now Mastering City Streets: Google’s Driverless Cars

Google says its self-driving cars are motoring along: they can navigate freeways comfortably, albeit with a driver ready to take control. But city driving – with its obstacle course of stray walkers, bicyclists and blind corners – has been a …

Urbanization, Mobility, Gridlock and Predictions of ‘Peak Car’

The world that Henry Ford put on wheels is poised for a stall. In the globe’s growing megacities, pollution and gridlock are putting a damper on driving. In India, some commuters are leaving their cars at home to avoid traffic …

Carmakers At Nevada Show: Driverless Cars Need Legal Framework

The future of driving is right around the corner. Hydrogen- and solar-powered vehicles are on the streets. So are cars that can get you through stop-and-go traffic while you sit back and send texts from behind the wheel. Cars are …

Policing the ‘Dark Side’ of Internet of Things

The futuristic world of self-driving cars, eyeglasses that e-mail and trash cans that call for pickup is running into the old-fashioned pace of doing business in Washington. Companies from Google Inc. to Bayerische Motoren Werke AG are racing into this …

Telematics An Advantage with Driverless Cars, Says Progressive CEO

Progressive Corp. said its technology that tracks driver behavior to set insurance rates will help the company adapt as automated cars take the road. The auto insurer offers a device called Snapshot, which plugs into a vehicle and monitors habits …

Not So Fast: Driverless Vehicles Face Driver Caution and Other Speed Bumps

The world has moved quickly from wonder at the idea of driverless cars to impatient expectation. The Cadillac SRX zipping around a test track in suburban Detroit is flashing a sign: Not so fast. The car can pilot itself at …

Self-Driving Cars Could Be on U.S. Roads by 2020

Cars that drive themselves could be on U.S. roads by the end of this decade. But don’t take your foot off the pedal just yet. Automakers, universities and others are at various stages in the development of autonomous cars. Google …

Safety Board Recommends ‘Talking Vehicles’ Technology in New Models

The government should set performance standards for new safety technology that allows cars and trucks to talk to each other and then require the technology be installed in all new vehicles, a federal accident investigation board recommended this week. The …