driverless vehicles News

How Safe Must Driverless Vehicles Be to Be Accepted? Very Safe.

The race is on for companies to present their driverless cars to the public, but recent collisions involving autonomous vehicles developed by Uber Technologies Inc. and Tesla Inc. have led to doubts about whether these vehicles can alleviate traffic issues …

Safety Worry: Keeping Humans In and Around Autonomous Vehicles Engaged

After partially faulting Tesla Inc.’s automation system for a 2016 fatal crash, U.S. safety investigators last year called on carmakers to do more to ensure drivers stay engaged as next-generation cars start to steer themselves. Since then, the National Transportation …

London Unprepared to Be Early Adopter of Autonomous Vehicles: Report

London is ill-prepared to become an early adopter of cutting-edge transport technology including driverless cars and retail deliveries by drone, according to the city’s lawmakers. While the U.K. government has predicted that connected and autonomous vehicles, or CAVs, will be …

Technology Partnerships Key to Insurance Industry’s Exit from `Stone Age:’ Aviva CEO

The insurance industry is “generally in the stone age,” and partnerships with technology companies are the way forward, according to Aviva Plc’s chief executive officer. His company, the U.K.’s second-largest insurer, is working with Tesla on how to insure driverless …

Self-Driving Delivery Cars, Robot Taxis ‘Will Be Ready to Roll’ in 2018

Self-driving vehicles will be ready to roll next year, though the work to make them affordable to individual consumers is still “in the first inning,” according to the CEO of a company working on the technology. Initial autonomous auto customers …

Lincoln, Nebraska, Studying Uses for Driverless Vehicles

The city of Lincoln, Nebraska, has signed a nearly $100,000 contract with an engineering consultant to study how the city could one day implement driverless vehicles. HDR Inc.’s study will examine the latest technology, describe a potential pilot project, provide …

U.S. Senate Panel Gives Green Light to Bill to Speed Use of Self-Driving Cars

A U.S. Senate panel on Wednesday unanimously gave the green light to a bill aimed at speeding the use of self-driving cars without human controls, a measure that also bars states from imposing regulatory road blocks. The bill still must …

Rio Tinto Plans to Use Driverless Trains to Ship Iron Ore in Australia

Rio Tinto is set to use driverless iron ore trains in Western Australia in 2018, the world No. 2 miner of the steelmaking commodity said on Monday after completing its first long-haul journey with a completely autonomous locomotive. The 100-km …

Germany Pioneers Ethical Guidelines for Operation of Driverless Cars

Protecting people rather than property or animals will be the priority under pioneering new German legal guidelines for the operation of driverless cars, the transport ministry said on Wednesday [Aug. 23]. Germany is home to some of the world’s largest …

Autonomous Cargo Ships Expected to Revolutionize (Disrupt) Shipping

BHP Billiton Ltd., the world’s biggest mining company, is studying the introduction of giant, automated cargo ships to carry everything from iron ore to coal as part of a strategic shift that may disrupt the $334 billion global shipping industry. …