drivers license News

D.C. Mayor Signs Immigrant Driver’s License Bill

Starting next year, people living in the nation’s capital who don’t have legal permission to reside in the United States will be able to get driver’s licenses. Democratic Mayor Vincent Gray signed a bill on Monday that would allow the …

Louisiana High Court Strikes Down Immigrant Driver Law

The Louisiana Supreme Court has struck down a state law that made it a crime for people who aren’t U.S. citizens to drive here without carrying proof of their immigration status. The divided court ruled that the state law is …

California Immigrants May Flag Status to Get Driver’s License

To get the driver’s licenses they’ve long sought, immigrants living in California illegally will have to do something many have long resisted: publicly identify themselves. The driver’s license bill that the Legislature passed on its final day requires a distinction …

Minnesota Man Loses License for Slow Driving

The Minnesota Court of Appeals won’t return the driver’s license of a man who lost it for driving too slowly on state highways. Fifty-nine-year-old Gary Constans says he doesn’t understand why authorities have a problem with his driving. He says …

Man Fights To Take License Test In Hawaiian

A Hawaii man has waged a court battle centered on his right to speak Hawaiian, saying his inability to take a driver’s license exam in the language represents discrimination that violates the state constitution. Daniel Anthony was cited in January …

Colorado Man Who Faked Driving Tests Gets Prison Sentence

A federal judge has sentenced a man to 30 months in prison for falsifying driving tests to get driver’s licenses for unqualified applicants. Sikiru Fadeyi pleaded guilty Tuesday to mail fraud. He told the judge he falsely certified that applicants …

Minnesota Driver’s License Privacy Breaches Could Cost Millions

Liability claims for improper uses of Minnesota’s driver’s license database could reach several million dollars. Many cities, counties and state agencies involved in recent privacy breaches are backstopped by insurance and rainy-day funds that would soften the blow of potential …

Concealed Weapons Fuel Debate on Driver’s Licenses in Missouri

Republican lawmakers’ concerns about new driver’s license procedures in Missouri are being exacerbated by the state’s unique system for marking concealed weapons endorsements. Missouri appears to be the only state whose license bureaus also issue concealed weapons endorsements in conjunction …

Colorado Bill Would Grant Immigrants Licenses

Illegal immigrants would be eligible to get Colorado driver’s licenses under a bill Democrats plan to introduce today, the third substantial piece of immigration legislation this year for a party that a few years ago joined Republicans in passing strict …

Ohio Driver’s Licenses Blocked for Some Immigrants

Driver’s licenses for some young immigrants who came to the United States illegally are being blocked by Ohio Department of Public Safety officials’ questioning whether a new federal program gives those immigrants temporary legal status. Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles …