drone safety News

Cannons, Networks, Radar, Jammers: The Business of Taking Down Drones

Just shoot them down? After troublesome drones infiltrated London’s Gatwick airport late last year, disrupting passenger flights and costing potentially millions of pounds in revenue, that was the instinctive question posed by the watching world. But for some businesses, shooting …

Ineffective Anti-Drone Systems Leave U.S. Airports Facing Risks Like London’s

U.S. airports may be just as vulnerable as London’s Gatwick airport to the kind of illegal drone incursions that shut down the U.K.’s second-busiest hub this week. Counter- drone technology performed so poorly in U.S. government tests in recent years …

Ease Up On Commercial Drones, Scientists Advise Safety Regulators

Science advisers to the federal government say safety regulators are hindering the spread of commercial drones by being too cautious about the risks posed by the flying machines. The National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine said in a report …

Fearing Collisions, Airlines Support Global Drone Registry

Concerned by a rise in near collisions by unmanned aircraft and commercial jets, the world’s airlines back development of a United Nations-led global registry for drones, an executive of their trade group said on Tuesday. The International Air Transport Association …

Europe Regulator Proposes Hacking, Geo-Awareness Protections for Drones

Europe’s aviation safety authority has proposed anti-hacking measures and geo-awareness technology for small drones to avoid collisions with aircraft or people, taking an important step toward Europe-wide regulation. The reworked proposal published by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) on …

Drone Suspected in Helicopter Crash Landing in South Carolina

A helicopter’s crash landing in South Carolina this week may have been triggered by a civilian drone, which would make it the first drone-related crash of an aircraft in the U.S. The incident on Wednesday involved a student pilot and …

Calls for Regulation of Hobbyist Drones Follow Latest Close Encounter Report

A video from a drone that flew within feet of an airliner over Las Vegas and prompted outrage on the internet has spurred three influential U.S. aviation lobbies to call for tighter regulations on hobby drones. Legislation exempting certain hobbyist …

Drone Easily Pierced New York ‘No-Fly’ Zone, Exposing Risk

A recreational drone operator whose device smashed into a U.S. Army helicopter in September flew undetected into a no-fly zone over New York set up to protect President Donald Trump and the United Nations. The National Transportation Safety Board on …

Civilian Drone Safety Incidents Keep Rising

The number of reported safety incidents involving civilian drones is on track to rise dramatically again this year, with almost as many in the first nine months of 2017 as for all of last year. Through September, the Federal Aviation …

Researchers Find Drones Can Cause Significant Damage to Aircraft

The millions of small civilian drones plying the nation’s skies can cause significant damage to airliners and business jets in a midair collision, new research commissioned by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration concluded. While most drones weigh only a few …