drones near airports News

U.K. Eyes Requiring Drones to Fit Anti-Collision Technology for Aviation Safety

Britain is considering whether civilian drones will have to be fitted with technology intended to prevent collisions with airplanes after a series of near-misses around airports. “The U.K. government and the Civil Aviation Authority are talking to manufacturers about implementing …

Drone Flies Within 20 Feet of Air France Jet Above Paris; Investigation Under Way

A drone came within 5 meters (20 feet) of a potentially catastrophic collision with an Air France plane coming in to land at Paris Charles de Gaulle airport, marking one of the closest encounters so far between one of the …

Congress May Move to Slow Illegal Drones

U.S. lawmakers are considering steps to reverse a disturbing rise in illegal drone flights, including new government enforcement tools to crack down on rogue flyers, especially near airports, according to people familiar with the matter. Discussions in the House of …